Victorian Butterfly Clip Art

Free printable butterfly clip art in Victorian colors.

Freebie Friday

This week’s freebie is a set of Victorian Butterflies. The colors are complimentary with your Victorian and vintage themes. I love the soft colors. This free PDF printable is great for all your paper crafting creations.

Grab the free PDF file here [Victorian Butterflies PDF]

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My go to printer brand for years has been HP. I also use their ink supply service where I pay a monthly fee and they send me ink cartridges as needed. It comes out to be a lot less money this way. The HP Envy Inspire is a great-priced machine that will produce beautiful prints.

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And if you are looking for a great crafting weight paper for printables, I have been using HP Project Paper. It is heavier than copier paper but not quite as heavy as cardstock. It is a great medium weight for layering, folding, and more!

Friday Freebie – Vintage Postcards

Friday Freebie – Vintage Postcards – altered with no text. #freebie #printable #ephemera

This week the Friday Freebie features vintage postcards. This beautiful collection has the text removed so you can use them as images or add your own text digitally or by stamping. They work great for junk journals, glue books, collages, mixed media, scrapbooking, or as a postcard.

Grab the free PDF download from the store here: [Vintage Postcards]