No Cost Yarn Ball Winder

I remember seeing this DIY idea a while back and stored it in my memory because I knew I would use it. All yarn “should” be wound into a ball. While in grad school I was spoiled taking a few Fiber Art courses and getting to use all the great tools they had on hand. I always wanted a ball winder but it was one of those tools I thought expensive and a luxury. After all, I can wind a ball of yarn by hand, but now I don’t have to. I love this hands-on McGuiver-type tool and bet you have everything you need on hand. 



  • Kitchen mixer with one whisk
  • toilet paper roll core
  • yarn
core on mixer

This is how you place the paper roll onto the mixer so you can wind the yarn. I wrapped some yarn around the core before turning the mixer on. Now, don’t just go hog wild here. I suggest turning the mixer on and off in small bursts so you can control the placement of the yarn. With one hand on the switch of the mixer and the other holding the yarn close to the paper core, begin winding. You’ll have a ball wound in no time at all and it cost you nothing!

Unlocking Creativity: Exploring the Versatility of Die Cuts from Everyday Boxes

Exploring the Versatility of Die Cuts from Everyday Boxes. #tutorial #craft_from_trash #recycle

I don’t know if this is genius or if I stumbled onto something everyone already does. I was getting ready to throw away a box and noticed the blank areas that could be die-cut. I will never look at a box the same way again and I am kind of kicking myself wondering about all the boxes I have already thrown away.

Video Tutorial:

Got a Stubborn Pair of Scissors?

Don’t you hate it when you pick up a pair of stubborn sticky scissors? Well, here is a quick fix. I am over on the ScraPerfect blog today sharing how I quickly fixed my pair of scissors with the Best Cleaner Ever. [blog post]