with etchall
Today I am making a votive for fall using Etchall Dip. The glass is a recycled Oui yogurt container. Instead of applying a cream to the glass you actually submerge the glass into the etching liquid. The etching results are the same, just the process is different.
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To begin, you’ll want to clean your glass with rubbing alcohol. Using hand sanitizer with a high alcohol content will also work well. I cut a small acorn shape on my Cricut Maker.
Then I applied the vinyl to the glass like you would stickers in a random pattern. The acorn SVG is free and can be found in the store at the following link [acorn SVG]
Use a plastic container for the dip n’ etch liquid. Measure how much liquid is needed by testing with water first. Details for this technique can be found in the video tutorial below. You will also want something to weigh down the project so the glass doesn’t float.
The time to etch is the same as the etchall cream, 15 minutes. The liquid is reusable so make sure to put it back into the etchall container when finished.
Video Tutorial:
I chose to finish off the votive with a wrap of raffia tied in a knot. The votive can be used in a variety of different ways. The image above uses an electric tea light. It also makes for a cute pencil cup. What a nice way to upcycle!