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Serious Coffee Giveaway

Yeah, it’s serious. This coffee is the bomb! It’s a dark roast that’s double caffeinated. Yes, this coffee comes with a warning label. Exploding with flavor and with double the caffeine of a regular cup of coffee, this extra-bold brew will leave you buzzing. It’s perfect for my coffee-drinking husband. Can you believe he used to not drink coffee at all about five years ago? And now he drinks many cups a day. He now enjoys a stronger cup and Da Bomb is a perfect choice for him.

With the variety of Java Factory Roasters flavored coffees, you can find the perfect cup of coffee. Made from 100% fresh roasted Arabica coffee beans with a new filter system to deliver more taste per cup. Java Factory Single Serve Double Caffeinated, Extra Bold, Dark Roast Coffee pack includes 40 coffee pods.

Java Factory Roasters coffee pods are compatible with most Keurig k cups coffee makers, including 2.0 brewers. You can find a variety of Java Factory coffees on Amazon.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Try it – Like it – Create it was provided the product in exchange for this review and giveaway. Any links included may be affiliate links and help support this site. Thank you for considering using them.



    NO favorite flavor of coffee JEST COFFEE

  2. Donna

    My favorite favor is caramel coffee.

  3. Lula Ruger

    I like dark roast in the morning and Iced vanilla afternoon

  4. Cassandra D

    My favorite flavor of coffee is salted caramel.

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