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Retro Christmas Tree

with CutCardStock

I thought it would be fun to create something for Christmas in July, so I made this retro-looking Christmas Tree. Because there is no glue needed, you can create it now and store it flat to use later. How fun would it be to wrap it in little twinkle lights or place fun objects on the shelf-like sections? You could make it in a different color to suit your decor.

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To make the tree I used Bonsai-colored cardstock in 8.5 x 11. I needed to use three sheets for the tree.

Cutting this file on a Cricut Maker, I set it to cut 100# cardstock and it was quick and easy to cut through.

As mentioned, the file is designed to fit on three sheets of 8.5 x 11″ paper. There are two triangles and five circles that vary in size.

Video Tutorial:

You can download the free SVG file from the store [Retro Tree SVG]

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