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OMG A Disney Cookbook!

Can you believe it? The Unofficial Disney Park Cookbook is here! My copy arrived and my daughters immediately declared it theirs. I have to buy another copy so they each can have one. Of course, they will let me borrow if I make the recipes!

Most of you will declare the Dole Whip your most favorite go-to Disney food, and yes, that recipe is included. For my family, it has to be the Turkey Legs. They are our favorite must-have Disney food. Have you tried them? That was the first recipe we looked for in the book and yes, it is there, thank goodness!

The Unofficial Disney Parks Cookbook
By Ashley Craft
$21.99 Hardcover; 240 pages
ISBN: 9781507214510

The Unofficial Disney Parks Cookbook is available on Amazon in both hardback and Kindle versions.
Affiliate link: [Amazon]

Thanks to Simon & Schuster for providing a copy to review and another one to giveaway.

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  1. Kelly McGrew

    I absolutely love the dole whips! lol

  2. katie klein

    I love the classic mickey mouse ice cream bars.

    • Janet Trieschman

      Oh yes, those are good. We can get them in our grocery freezer section.

  3. It’s so hard to pick just one. I love the Dole Whips and Citrus Swirls, but a staple for us is also the Cheshire Cat Tail.

    • Janet Trieschman

      I haven’t tried any of those.

  4. Cass

    Same page as everyone else- probably the ice cream:) I mean, it’s Disney and ice cream is celebration food!

  5. Sara Pendleton

    We love dole whips and churros!

  6. Chrissy Malave

    I have not tried any yet would love to!

  7. Cassandra D

    I would go with blue milk from Star Wars land.

  8. kelly woods

    I haven’t tried any but would lovw to. thank you

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