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New Cookbooks Available

Simon & Schuster has released three new cookbooks. I was sent the 30 Minute Cooking From Frozen book. I requested to review this title because it spoke to me. Not so much because I am busy but more so because I am lazy! What you will find in this cookbook are recipes that are far from basic or simple looking results. Thumbing through the book I think I saw two out of one hundred recipes I actually had made before. I love that there is no pre-thawing required.

The 30-Minute Cooking from Frozen Cookbook

  • By Carole Jones
  • On Sale: 10/6/20
  • $17.99 Paperback; available on Amazon
  • 192 pages
  • ISBN: 9781507214183

The Everything® Kids’ Cookbook, Updated Edition

  • By Sandra K. Nissenberg
  • For ages 7 to 12
  • On Sale: 10/13/20
  • $14.99 Paperback; Available on Amazon
  • 168 pages
  • ISBN: 9781507214008

Canning and Preserving

  • By Adams Media
  • On Sale: 9/22/20
  • $17.99 Paperback; Available on Amazon
  • 240 pages
  • ISBN: 9781507214619

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  1. I make Taco Bake…taco meat, frozen peppers, onion, mexican cheese & grand biscuits. Put it all together, bake & yum!!! (Don’t forget to add the salsa to the meat as it is in the frying pan). This is a big favorite by family.

    • Janet Trieschman

      sounds really good – I never thought to use biscuits with tacos

    • Janet Trieschman

      I love breakfast at any time of the day!

  2. Catherine Lewis

    I make a salad of Romaine lettuce, 1 red delicious apple, goats cheese, sliced almonds and 6 oz of white breast chicken. Yummy. Top that with Skinny Girl Poppy Seed salad dressing.

  3. Jeanna Massman

    Bacon, Lettuce And Tomato sandwiches are a family favorite!

    • Janet Trieschman

      I love grilled cheese, I wish my kids did.

    • Janet Trieschman

      love them, my husband makes great ones!

  4. KariLorr

    My quick and easy meal is grilled chicken in the George Foreman, steamed veggie, baked potato and a frozen roll warmed up.

  5. Melinda

    My go to quick meal is sheet pan meals. Especially sheet pan nachos, Tortilla chips, refried beans, seasoned taco meat (chicken or ground beef), shredded cheese, heat in oven till melty and gooey. Decorate with shredded lettuce,tomatoes, salsa,etc..
    I love nachos because they are literally a blank canvas, you can put what ever toppings you like on top

  6. Debbie Erickson

    Sloppy Joes is my quick and easy meal

  7. Michelle Johnson

    I love to make grilled cheese as a quick meal.

  8. Tammy Pereira

    Spaghetti bake. It’s quick and easy and fills up the family! Not to mention that it’s cheap to make to!

  9. Denise B.

    I cut up chicken breast to fry up panko-breaded chicken strips/nuggets that can go with anything–rice, pasta, salad, pita sandwiches, etc.

  10. Christina Gould

    My go-to quick and easy meal is the McDonald’s drive thru, lol. That’s the truth! Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Julie R

    Hot dogs and French fries for the kids

  12. Stephanie Grant

    I love making hobo packets for a quick weeknight dinner.

  13. Kathy Pease

    Quick and easy for me would be grilled cheese sandwiche

  14. Leah Shumack

    Tacos are my go to quick meal! Most of the time we have frozen taco meat from hamburger sales so it’s just heat, chop veggies and good to go!

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