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Make Your Own Foiled Embellishments

with ScraPerfect

You might already know that the Best Glue Ever makes great dots of glue. Did you know you can use them to make them into foiled embellishments? It takes only one step and you have a variety of different colored foiled dots at the ready.

You can make a variety of different size dots. I made mine on recycled packaging but any non-stick surface will work. Let them dry overnight or until they appear clear.

Those same dots from above are now dry and can be used with foil. You can foil them ahead of time or as you use them.

the Best Glue Ever               ScraPerfect’s No-Clog Writing Cap™

transfer foils

ScraPerfect has great sets of transfer foils but any foil will work. If you keep your used scraps of foil this is a great way to use up those leftovers.

Video Tutorial:

A close-up of the dots shows the 3D quality of the foiled dots. Now you can make your own and coordinate the colors you need for crafting.


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