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Love Shirt :: SVG Blog Hop

You might not know Robert Indiana but I bet you are familiar with his Love sculpture. Based on is idea, I created this love graphic with the o being replaced with a heart. It’s great anytime of the year but especially for Valentine’s Day.

A bit about Robert Indiana:

Robert Indiana, an American painter, sculptor, and printmaker, is frequently associated with Pop Art, though he has said he prefers calling himself a “sign painter.” Indiana is most famous for his Love sculpture series, which can be seen in more than 30 locations around the world.

Blog Hop:


  1. Merry

    Hello! How do I download the SVG file?
    I can not find a link, there are so many ads on this page, are they covering it?

    • Janet Trieschman

      Right above the blog hop, there is a button that says download

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