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How Was The Show?

Namta and AFCI Merge Together

I just spent five days in Orlando, FL at the Namta/Creativation trade show. This was the first time that the two organizations merged together into a new group and had a show. Of course, each group has had its own shows independently for years. 

Namta and AFCI are now one organization joining together fine art materials with craft materials. I have to say it seems about time for this to happen. What a beautiful pairing. Everyone was so kind and welcoming. 

The show is not open to the public. As a designer, I had to apply for membership and be accepted in order to attend. We are classified as creatives.

photo by Erin Reed

What is a Creative Member?

Someone who works in the industry to promote products and brands. Many of these people also work directly with brands to design new products. The nice thing about this category is that we all tend to know each other and support each other. If we aren’t right for the job, we know who will be and can make that connection happen. I truly appreciate my fellow creative members.

What was the show like?

In many ways, a normal trade show. In other ways, it was energizing to see different brands connecting and testing out if their materials were compatible together. There were workshops, business classes, evening events, and the trade show floor. With lots of learning on both sides of the fine art vs craft fence. I venture to say that fence has come down. 

Was it like Creativation? 

No. But I think you’d be wrong to expect that. This is a new group, a new beginning. What was great about this show was the ability to have meaningful conversations and new connections. 

Was it like Art Materials World?

I don’t know, I haven’t been to one in the past. But I would venture to say it was different. Possibly bigger. If you know, leave a comment below.

If you didn’t attend, what did you miss?

A lot! I can’t begin to cover it all here in this one post but I will be doing individual posts about brands and products for quite some time from all that was gained at the show. So stay tuned!

So, will you attend next year?

You betcha! I am already looking forward to it being in Columbus, OH. However, I am so energized by this show that just ended. I have new creative juices to explore. 


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