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How to Sew a Bowl Cozy with Cricut

I have seen bowl cozies offered at craft fairs, they intrigued me but I always passed them by. Recently watching a YouTube video making them, I became interested in making my own. Watching someone use a bowl cozy, now it made sense to me. We tend to use a pot holder, which works, but it doesn’t wrap around the sides of the bowl to protect your hands. So, I decided to make my own with the help of my Cricut Maker.

Some items used in this post were provided by Cricut.

Cricut Maker


  • cotton fabric
  • cotton batting (or cotton felt)
  • thread
  • sewing machine
  • scissors
  • pen
  • ruler
  • Cricut Maker


Cut your fabric and felt to 9″ squares, two of each. I used my Cricut Maker to cut the cotton fabric, it was so easy, and made the squares the exact same size.

Place the batting or felt to the wrong side of the fabric. Sew diagonally across the pieces making an X shape.

Do this to both pieces. The color of the felt or batting doesn’t matter because it will be inside the cozy.

Fold one side of the fabric in half with the right side together. Measure and mark a point along the fold 2″ and up the short side 1″. Draw a diagonal line connecting these points together. Do this to both side.

From here it is easier to explain the steps in a video.

Video Tutorial:

The finished bowl cozy with a bowl in place. This is going to be so handy. I think I am going to need to make a few more!

The sewing machine I am using is a Brother SE-350 Sewing & Embroidery Machine, it is discontinued but there are similar machines available.

Suggested Materials:

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AZ – Amazon, C – Cricut, O – Other

Cricut Fabric Grip Mat
Shop at:
AZ | C

Cricut Maker® Machine
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AZ | O | C

Cricut Rotary Blade
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