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How to Etch Celebratory Champagne Glasses

These basic champagne glasses from the Dollar Store were given an upgrade with Etchall Etching Cream and then decorated with Alcohol Inks. They make the perfect pair for celebrating a special occasion or for everyday use. You could change the color combination to suit your needs like school colors for a college graduation party, or for wedding colors. 

This post and photos contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through any link, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to you.
Any supplies used may be given to me free of charge, however, all projects and opinions are my own.



To begin, remove any labels and clean the glasses using rubbing alcohol.

Then cover the desired area (the stem) with etchall Etching Creme, wait 15 minutes, remove excess back to the container, and then wash.

The etching is done.
The result is very elegant, and you could stop right here.

The alcohol inks I chose to use.

Turn the glass upside down.
Drop a small drop of ink at the stem of the glass and let it run down.
Continue until you like the look.

Here is an up-close look at the glass.
Notice I put a “ring” around the top of the stem in silver.

I purposely didn’t let the ink cover anywhere near the drinking lip of the glasses.
I covered them in a plastic bag and taped it in place.
Placing it in my spray box, I sprayed it with a sealer and let it dry.
(you may need a few light coats)

Remove the taped bag and your glasses are ready to celebrate with!

Recommended etchall Products
(affiliate links to Amazon)

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