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How to Celebrate with Etching

This is such a fun way to celebrate. It could be a birthday, wedding, anniversary, new job, graduation, so many different opportunities to etch a fun statement onto a bottle. For this post, I used Sparkling Cider but a bottle of wine or even a glass bottle of soda would work. The glass etching can take a drink to the next level making it a special statement I am sure one that will be appreciated.

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Using Cricut design space on my phone I typed out the word I wanted to use, then I sent it to the Cricut Joy to cut out. It was so quick and easy. I could have added names and a date too.

I weeded the vinyl, removing the parts I want to etch, and used the transfer tape to place the vinyl on the bottle. Notice there are air bubbles and wrinkles, but they don’t matter as long at the seam along the letters is pressed tight to the glass.

Using a wooden popsicle stick I placed a generous amount of etching cream over the letters. I left it on the bottle for 15 minutes, following the Etchall directions. Then I removed it from the bottle using the same popsicle stick and put it back into the jar because Etchall cream is reusable. Because it was a small area, I was able to use a baby wipe to clean off the bottle and I removed the vinyl.

Here is the etched glass. I wanted to enhance the etching so I applied some rub-on metallic color in silver.

I used a q-tip to rub on the silver cream and then used a baby wipe to remove the excess. I really like the enhanced look.


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