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Glassboard Review

I was recently sent a glass craft mat by Glassboard for review. I was excited about this new craft tool but I didn’t know it was going to change the way I crafted for the better. The Glassboard has replaced a number of my crafting tools. It has also made my crafting easier in that I can do so many tasks without having to change the surface I am working on.

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“A glassboard functions like a whiteboard, but it’s disguised as art. You can use glassboards for crafting, planning, artwork, photography, family photos, calendars, goal charts, decor, and so much more! It can even be magnetic.”

from Glassboard

Glass Craft Mats come is a variety of sizes 9″ x 12″, 13.5″ x 18″, 18″ x 24″, and 24″ x 36″ and colors: white, black, aqua, succulents, floral, and design your own. Glassboard also sells additional glass board products.

You can purchase a Glassboard or Glass craft mat for yourself using my discount code “Janet20”


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