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Decorate a Lemonade Glass

with etchall creme

A great project to make this summer is a lemonade etched glass. My husband drinks lemonade all year long so this will be his glass. I used a clear glass I had in my stash and etched it with etchall etching creme.

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I altered the SVG file from the store (it’s free) and altered it in Design Space using the contour tool to remove the outline around the word squeeze.

SVG link: [Just Squeeze it SVG]

I cut the design on a Cricut Maker after I set the width of the design to 2.5″

After cutting the design, weed away the parts of the design you want to etch. Then apply transfer tape to the design.

Clean the glass with rubbing alcohol before applying the design.

Getting ready to apply the design, I measured and marked the glass so I could apply the design aligned to the top of the glass.

Apply the vinyl to the glass and remove any wrinkles. Burnish the vinyl down well.

Apply the etching creme over the design. Make sure not to go beyond the design. It only takes 15 minutes to etch.

After 15 minutes, remove the etching creme and put it back into the container because it is reusable. Then wash the glass and remove the vinyl.


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