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Christmas Tree Decor – free SVG

with CutCardStock

Christmas Tree Decor

What a fun Christmas decor piece to make. You can choose to add a light that creates wonderful shadows or just leave it as it is. I chose to add a gold star to the top but the file comes complete with a star in the same color as the tree. There is also a separate star included if you want to add a different color as I did. Wouldn’t it be fun to make a few of these in different sizes for a mantle?

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I used this beautiful Bonsai cardstock that has a slight texture and cut it on a Cricut Maker at a setting of 100#. The cardstock is 80# cover weight but cuts really well at a slightly larger setting. The gold stars were cut from Stardream Metallic Gold. Be sure to cut two, one for each side of the tree. The gold cardstock is smooth, metallic, and heavier than the green so be sure to change your cutting settings.

The SVG file comes with cut and score lines. You will need to set the lines to score before cutting. The file isn’t that detailed but the folding does take a bit of patience and care. The video below will walk you through the folding process.

Video Tutorial:

with light

Here you can see a close-up of the tree with a color-changing electric tea light inside. Although it is not very dark, you can begin to see the cool shadows that are cast from the tree. (please do not use a real candle, the paper will catch fire. – do I really need to say this?)

Please visit the store to download the free SVG file [Tree SVG]

Suggested Materials:

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AZ – Amazon, SSS – Simon Says Stamps, C – Cricut, O – Other

Cricut Maker® Machine
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Cut Cardstock
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Scraperfect 32 Clog Writing Cap, Medium
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Scraperfect Best Glue Ever
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