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Christmas in July – Recycled Ornament

With the temperature outside reaching close to 100 degrees, it is really hard to be creative with a Christmas theme. But, for Christmas in July, a blog hop with the Creative Crafters, I made a recycled Christmas Ornament. The ornament is made from pull tabs from soda cans. 


  • Hot glue
  • Hot glue gun
  • pull tabs
  • beads
  • thread
  • needle


I have to apologize, I was so busy trying to figure this out, I didn’t take photos. I will try to walk you through the steps with my words.

To begin, I drew a circle on a scrap piece of paper. Then I laid out the soda tabs around the circle (as pictured above). 

Using hot glue, I glued the second layer of soda tabs onto the original circle. This time I staggered their placement.

Next, I threaded an embroidery needle with a green cord. I sewed it in and out around the soda tabs. 

In the second round of sewing, I added a bead. Then I joined the cord and made a loop for hanging. 

The hot glue doesn’t fully hold the soda tabs long-term. This is why I added the cord. 

Having finished, I would have liked to have red beads in the right size for this project. I would also like to add some ribbon or a floral pik, center top. 

Check out the other projects made for this Christmas in July blog hop. After the 17th, feel free to add your own Christmas in July project to the hop. The link-up will be open until the 22nd.


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