Chick-fil-A’s annual Cow Appreciation Day is Tuesday, July 9, 2019 from restaurant opening until 7 p.m. anyone wearing any sort of cow apparel will receive one free entrée and kids dressed like a cow may select a free Kid’s Meal. For all the details and FAQs, check out the link. https://www.chick-fil-a.com/Cow-Appreciation-Day
If you need a costume, you might just like this free print and cut out a cow mask. [cow mask]

You can pair it with this SVG file to make your own cow shirt. Just download the file and cut it out on your personal cutting machine. Then iron-on the vinyl. If you don’t have a personal cutting machine, print out the file on transfer iron-on or just print it out and pin it in place. Add the mask from the link above and you will finish off your costume!

How about a cow headband? You can print and cut these cow ears and glue them to a headband. Or if you want to cut them out on a personal cutting machine, you can download this free SVG file. [cow ears SVG]