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Bunny Treat Box and SVG

with CutCardStock

With Easter right around the corner, why not make this cute bunny box. What a cute way to give a treat. Both young and old will get a kick out of it. You can make them in different sizes and colors. Personalize them and they make a great place setting name tag.

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I used Stardream Metallic Card Stock in Crystal for the box and Astrobright in Pulsar Pink for the ears and nose. CutCardStock’s Stardream line is one of my favorite card stocks with a bit of metallic, it has a great look.

I cut the SVG file out on a Cricut Maker. Placing two different pieces of card stock on the mat, I adjusted the file in Design Space. This made it easier to cut once instead of twice.

As a reminder when cutting, set the red lines to score and load your scoring tool before setting the file to cut. The materials are minimal for this project making it so easy to make. It would be fun to get the kids involved.

I cut the whisker with scissors from a scrap of black and chose to draw in the eyes instead of cutting them out.

The video tutorial below shows how to easily put the pieces together.

Video Tutorial:

Please visit the store to download the free SVG file for the box. [Bunny box SVG]

This view shows the size of the box that can be made from an 8.5 x 11″ sheet of card stock. Just the perfect size for a treat or a group of jelly beans!


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