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Best Posts from 2022

Every year I do a review of which posts from the past year had the most views. I have to say 2022 was the year of SVG files. I like to see what was popular so that I know what more to bring in the new year.

Of course, I have some evergreen posts that have more views. Each year these posts remain at the top of the page view list. But this list contains only posts that were created in 2022. Here are the top five posts from 2022:

  1. DIY Your Own Cricut Cutaway Card
    Cricut Cutaway cards were new this year and you can edit them to your own personal taste. Cricut posts remain popular on my site.

2. Free Funny Quotes
Tickling your funny bone was popular in 2022 with this post of free funny quote SVGs.

3. Bathroom Signs
You probably found more humor with these free bathroom sign SVGs.

4. Halloween
Halloween is a very popular holiday for decorating and making mischief. This post contained a group of free Halloween SVG files from an SVG blog hop.

5. Lake Sign
You seemed to enjoy the lake this year with a round-up of free Lake-themed SVG files.

So if you missed any of these posts and free SVGs, you can still grab them by following the links to each post – Enjoy!


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