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Alcohol Ink Stickers

Alcohol inks are very fun to create with. They interact with each other in interesting ways creating different results each time. They work on most non-porous surfaces so when I saw these metallic-looking stickers at the Dollar Tree, I knew I wanted to try alcohol ink on them.

Metallic stickers come in silver, gold, and bronze colors. I chose the silver thinking it would work best with the inks.

First I tried dropping the ink onto the sticker, the next one I tried applying the ink with a cotton swab, and on the last sticker, I switched to acrylic paint markers. Each process gave a different result. The video tutorial below will take you through each process.

Video Tutorial:

I think the first and last version gave the best results. While the stickers appeared metallic in the package and once removed appeared more like plastic either surface should work. The alcohol ink didn’t work as well as I expected. The acrylic paint markers gave great coverage but lost the metallic quality of the original sticker. In summation, the plastic mailing envelope I used as a protective work surface actually had the best results from the alcohol ink being applied to it. So now I have another project to work on!


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