How to etch a ceramic mug with etchall creme.
with etchall creme
I like tea, it can be cold or hot. I’ve liked it all my life. I remember my grandfather was a tea drinker too, or should I say a tea dipper. I remember him always dipping something into his tea mug.
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I am left-handed so this mug will be my personal mug. You might notice the handle is on the wrong side. etchall creme makes it possible for me to make mugs with the design facing out when I hold the mug in my left hand.
I created this graphic for my tea mug. You can grab a free SVG of this image in the store. [Time for Tea SVG]
Before etching any surface you want to make sure it is clean. I used rubbing alcohol to clean the mug.
After measuring and adjusting my image in Design Space, I cut my vinyl on a Cricut Maker. Then I weeded the vinyl and applied the transfer film.
I transferred the vinyl to the mug and removed the transfer film. Tip: I always fold the design in half (not the width of the vinyl but the width of the design) to find the middle. This makes applying the vinyl in the correct location easier.
After making sure the vinyl is rubbed down well and there are not wrinkles around the design, I applied the etchall creme, covering the entire image. You can be generous with your application.
I set a timer for 15 minutes and then I remove the creme and put it back into the container. etchall creme is reusable, it may darken over time but it is still usable.
After washing the mug and removing the vinyl, it is etched. I know it is very hard to see, but that is the nature of the ceramic mug.
And here is the magic, using a rub on wax in black, the image is revealed. Rub it on and buff off the extra. You may want to use a fixative to seal the wax in place.